admin October 6, 2019 Message: “Authentic Christianity ” from Dale Whitson, Lead Pastor Loading Content...Copy and share the link below: Okay, I'm Done Dale Whitson, Lead Pastor - October 6, 2019Authentic ChristianityListenMore Messages from Dale Whitson, Lead Pastor | Download AudioFrom Series: "Sunday Morning Service 2019"FacebookTweet LinkShare LinkSend EmailMore From "Sunday Morning Service 2019" January 1, 2019Fasting And Praying With PurposeDale Whitson, Lead PastorListen January 20, 2019Expecting the UnexpectedJoel VessListen February 3, 2019Am I A Good NeighborDale Whitson, Lead PastorListen February 10, 2019Prescription for HealingDale Whitson, Lead PastorListen February 17, 2019Be Involved In The HarvestDale Whitson, Lead PastorListen February 24, 2019Do It AgainGuest SpeakerListen March 17, 2019Lift Up Your HandsDale Whitson, Lead PastorListen March 24, 2019Pressing In And ThroughDale Whitson, Lead PastorListen April 5, 2019Pastor Adrian FranklinGuest SpeakerListen April 5, 2019Pastor Adrian FranklinGuest SpeakerListenDisplaying 1-10 of 461 2 3 4 5 More » Powered by Series EngineInvite others to visit, share......FacebookPinterestTwitterLinkedin